Acid Rain World

Acid Rain World
地址 22/F. Park Avenue Tower, 5 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
電話 95659035
Collectibles / Designer Toys / Military collectibles models /
Diorama & Accessories etc.


Acid Rain World originated from the vision of a humble but passionate artist – Kit Lau. Known for his work on the “Pop-up” books series featuring “Hong Kong Pop Up” (2009) and “PopUp China” (2010), as well as the award-winning animated film “My Mother is an Alien”, Kit embarked on a journey to create something bigger, something bolder – his own alternate history franchise. Thus, he designed a dystopian universe that warned readers of the dangers of human greed and environmental exploitation – Acid Rain World.

Acid Rain World is an original doomsday story highlighting the vices of war and pollution.
The story of “Acid Rain World” is a timely one, touching upon pressing issues of global concern. A wide range of elements are embedded into the plotline, from daring heroism to sweet romance, from cutting-edge technology to climate change. The series’ diverse cast of characters are designed to resonate with audiences from varying backgrounds and personalities worldwide.

Acid Rain World boasts many partners specializing in different fields and industries, such as Aither Entertainment, Toys Alliance, Beaver, etc. These partners produce a wide variety of IP-derived products such as toys, mobile games, online novels and digital comics. Among them, the 1:18, 1:28 scale and Sofubi toy series currently feature over 150 products and continue to expand. Acid Rain World has blossomed across multiple platforms, bringing the brand to the world stage through diverse mediums and products.